A few places near the Tuks varsity in Pretoria have some good food at a great price to appeal to the local student population, one example being Kung Fu Kitchen. Not only is the food good, but it has a full complement of actual Asian waitrons! Truly amazing!
( Disclaimer: Not actually a picture of Bruce Lee.)
Food takes a while to prepare, but the wait is worth it. The chicken chow mein doesn't skimp on the chicken. The sweet and sour sauce really tastes like sweet and sour sauce. Possibly one of the most awesome little factoids to remember, however, is that R35 can get you a full 3-course “set meal” that includes (for example) soup, dumplings, vegetables, chicken and a lovely bow-tie dessert. Add two rand to that price and they'll throw in the entire nation of Australia.

Mmm, Australia!
If you're looking for something a little cheaper, get yourself some of the chow mein. The serving is enormous, and if you grab the leftovers for takeaway you'll have a very convincing breakfast the next morning.

This is just the leftover portion. The full meal outweighs a baby elephant.
Apparently, the kitchen can get a little too busy on big nights, but it was an awesome place to spend a Sunday evening chatting with a few friends. My gastronomical satisfaction serves as testament to that.
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